How to set up your LinkedIn profile


Take a professional image

Your image is the first thing that prospective employers see when the hit your LinkedIn profile, make sure you have a professional portrait shot that is shot by someone else. Don’t use a selfie from a night out with cans of beer in the background as it can leave a bad first impression.

Create a summary of your profile

Recruiters want to know about who you are, what you are about and a history of your work experience. Ensure there is enough information on your profile that allows employers can quickly get an understanding of your skills and your background.

Make sure there’s a description of your current position

Most people looking at your profile want to know about your current role, so write a short description about what you do now including your responsibilities and key skills. This will help recruiters to match you up with vacancies that suit your profile.

Follow these simple tips and you’ll find there will be a big increase in your profile activity and the amount of interest you’ll receive.

If you have any questions or need any further advice, contact Chris Edward Consultants today.

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