You could be losing Talent to these 3 issues

Chris Edwards
πŸ’΅ Compensation is one of the first areas companies point the finger at as the issue. Compensation is absolutely important; however, assuming you are competitive in your space, that is not your issue.

It’s the process, specifically around Speed | Clarity | Fit

Recently, we helped a company revamp their hiring strategy after they lost 4 candidates in 3 months. Their process was slow, unclear, and focused entirely on resumes instead of real potential.

Now that companies are ramping up their hiring heading into 2025, your process should be about creating an experience.

1️⃣ Speed Matters: Streamlining your hiring process not only allows you to compete with competitors for talent but also increases your ability to secure A-players. Time is the biggest & common reason companies lose talent

2️⃣ Clarity is Key: Be upfront about role expectations, team culture, and growth opportunities.

3️⃣ Focus on Fit: A candidate’s potential often outweighs their past experience. Also, just because someone is talented does not mean they are a fit. Your team is something you have to consider when thinking about fit.

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